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Values & Definitions

In RankTracker, the second column is titled "Position". Sometimes there is a "?" appearing in this column. Does this mean the keyword phrase is not ranking in Google at all?
We check the first ten search results pages on Google, up to position 100. Anything higher than 100 would result in the question mark.
Thu, 20 Jun, 2019 at 4:18 PM
What is the radius definition of a “city” in RankTracker?
Region / City settings are defined by Google and can be simulated - on the Google Search Engine you can restrict results to a specific city ("Search To...
Thu, 31 Jul, 2014 at 5:25 PM
If I own two websites and I want to know my ranking for the keyword "dog training" on both sites, would I be using 2 of my tracked keywords or 1 of my tracked keywords?
Each keyword counts as one, even if the same keyword is used in multiple domains being tracked. The reason is that we are charged each time a keyword is res...
Thu, 31 Jul, 2014 at 5:25 PM