Sometimes there's a SmartBox on a website or template, you'd like to use on another website too. In this case, you can easily export and import the SmartBox.

Export SmartBox

Login to the website with the SmartBox you'd like to export. In the menu on the left, go to Settings -> Design -> SmartBoxes. A tab appears, showing all the SmartBoxes available for this website. 

Double click on the SmartBox you'd like to export. A new tab appears, showing the details for this SmartBox. Here you can click on the button "export" (top). Follow the instructions of the pop-up menu to save the .json file to your computer. 

Import Smartbox

Now, login to the website in which you'd like to import the SmartBox. 

In the menu on the left, go to Settings -> Design -> SmartBoxes. A tab appears, showing all the SmartBoxes available for this website. Above this overview you will find a button "import". Follow the instructions of the pop-up menu to import the .json file you had saved to your computer previously. 

NOTE: Make sure all SmartBoxes have different names. It's not possible to have more SmartBoxes with the same name on the website.